12 Aug What We’ve Been Up To: 2017
ODSC East 2017
On May 5th & 8th, we attended ODSC East 2017 (Open Data Science Conference). On Day 1, we participated in the AI showcase, displaying our AI experience demo plus our take on UX and AI best practices. We had the opportunity to meet lots of folks from the AI community and demo some cool technology.

On the last day of ODSC, Mark Schindler (GroupVisual.io) and Bang Wong (The Broad Institute) held a Data Visualization + User Experience (DVUX) workshop for a group of over 300 participants. The workshop took place in four parts, two lecture sections with hands-on activities in between. Some of our favorite feedback:
Thanks for the workshop – this was my favorite presentation at ODSC this year. I thought both presenters were extremely knowledgeable in their fields and presented material very effectively.
Thank you so very much for the wonderful and enlightening presentation and workshop during the ODSC last week. I really learned a lot which I plan to put into use.

UXPA Boston
Designers Luis Sandoval, Erin Gwozdz and Lisette Pena attended the UXPA Boston 2017 on Friday, May 19. Erin published an article describing their takeaways from the event.
DVUX Meetup
In 2017, GroupVisual.io has hosted two DVUX Meetups, where practitioners from the data science and design communities come together to learn about the intersection of their fields.

Our March 2017 Meetup was titled “A framework for matching user needs to data visualizations“. This kickoff meeting featured a presentation from Mark Schindler (GroupVisual.io).
Our July 2017 Meetup was titled “Cognitive workflow: how data viz and user flow intersect to make us smarter“. This meeting featured a presentation from Mark Schindler, followed by open group discussion. We enjoyed hearing the different points of view of the participants.

Intersystems Global Summit
Mark & Emily represented GroupVisual.io at the Intersystems Global Summit 2017 in Palm Desert, CA. At the Technology Leadership Conference, Mark presented a talk titled “How to Make Data-Rich Interfaces Intuitive”.

MIT Design Thinking Workshop
On Sept. 22, 2017, GroupVisual.io hosted students from MIT for a design thinking workshop.

The group was mainly comprised of engineers, taking a course titled “Innovation Engineering”, a core requirement for the Entrepreneurship & Innovation minor.

Mark & Tara presented material on design thinking, user experience, and design process. After the talk, students broke out into groups and did a hands-on exercise we call “reverse question boards”.
Check out the full blog post about the Design Thinking Workshop with MIT.
Joining Dribbble

We recently joined Dribbble as a team. Follow us to see regular uploads of our most recent designs.